Thursday 31 July 2008

Proper update

So where did I get up to...

On Tuesday we went to the Boston Museum of Science. We didn't get to see a lightning show because the boys had to go home for their nap, but it was just as cool as I remembered. Oz and I stayed downtown and went to the cinema to see The Dark Knight. It was pretty good but I thought it was a bit unnecessarily long. My mind wandered at one point because there were lots of confusing things going on which I wasn't really following, then when I started paying attention again it made sense. So those bits of the film were obviously not needed. Also it was freezing cold in the cinema and even though I'd prepared for this and brought a longsleeved top I was STILL cold. Though I feel a bit foolish complaining about it now because it's really sticky and hot at the moment :P

Yesterday Tich drove us here when he went to work. Only Boris and the pets are here at the moment, as Maureen and the girls are in New Jersey returning the other two cousins who were here last week. So it's been nice and peaceful! Oz quickly adapted to driving on the right so we've been nipping about in the Subaru. Not too far afield, only about as far as Walden Pond.

We went to Gropius' house yesterday afternoon and had a private tour, because nobody else was there. That also was as good as I remembered it. We also went to the DeCordova museum and sculpture park and wandered around taking photos of all the sculptures before having a drink and brownie in the cafe. As Boris is a member, we got in free to that. We've also learned that everywhere here accepts our British university IDs, so we've been getting discounted entry at most places we visit. In the evening we went to the Colonial Inn for drinks on the porch and calamari before dinner. The lady serving us was quite frankly frightening and I think she might have been some sort of robot programmed to respond with "You're very welcome" to the words "Thanks," "Thank you," "Cheers" and probably anything else of the same sentiment. The other odd thing was that when they brought us bread, the basket also had some sort of cake in it as well as bread. I'm pretty sure it's not some weird American custom that you eat cake before every meal, so all in all I conclude that the Colonial is just strange.

Today Oz and I took Blackie (the large black labrador, supposedly 100% black lab but clearly with some other doggy genes in him) for a walk around a pond then through the woods where there's a trail with Thoreau quotations engraved in granite blocks every so often along the path. It was sooooo hot and very humid, and I got slobbered on quite a lot because when we let him off his leash Blackie decided that he wanted to carry it. But he is a very well-behaved doggie. This afternoon we went to Concord because Oz wanted to buy some new books, so we wandered for a short while then stopped for a drink. We were going to go to the lake this evening but now it's raining a little. I think we're going out for dinner, as there are no children around we can eat late and go to civilised places!

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