Tuesday 15 July 2008

Entry the first (housekeeping)

Morning all, welcome to our travel blog. This is Alison/Li speaking. We decided that I shall post in italics and Henry/Oz shall post in non-italics. So now you know. 

The reason for this is that as you probably know, we're off to the USA for two months next week, and we thought that this would be a great way to keep in touch with everyone and post up some of our photos, etc, as well as a way for us to remember our trip once we're home again. We hope you enjoy reading it and we'll try to keep the updates fast and furious, but forgive us if we have other things to do - sightseeing, shopping, laundry, catching trains...

We've enabled anonymous comments, basically meaning anyone can comment on any of our posts. Comment notifications are emailed to us so we will definitely read your messages, just remember to say who you are or we might get very confused. 

Anyway, we hope you enjoy reading about our travels, try not to miss us too much!

xx Li

1 comment:

grandma jill said...

All of us at 6 Mill Hll have been thinking of you on your way today. We thought of you especially when we went to Matalan without you.
Have great time, enjoy that icecream.