First here are a select few pictures of the twins when they came over to Concord on Sunday. There are more on my flickr page at

(I've made a special set for USA photos, so I'll be aiming to get some more of my shots up there at some point) and on Oz's at
I already said about how we couldn't go to the lake so we ran around with the hose instead. The twins found a bucket and some brushes so they decided to clean the playhouse and polish it. Then they decided to clean and polish me. I was already all wet from when they sprayed me with the hose (apparently I was on fire), so I didn't mind. Probably the scrubbing was good exfoliation for my legs...
Perhaps Jason wants to be a fireman when he grows up
Doing a good job cleaning the playhouse, I think I'll train my toddlers to like cleaning too
Cleaning me...
...aaand "polishing".
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